NounsConnect FAQ

Who is behind NounsConnect?

Nouns Connect is a project started under the ZORA umbrella

My WalletConnect QR Code is not scanning

Make sure you're clicking the “Need the WalletConnect modal?” and using that QR code or copying the connection link there.

What apps are supported?

Most DApps are supported that do not require a signature-based login. Some common actions to use are:
Trade NFTs:
  • – ZORA create is a tool for purchasing and minting NFTs
  • – gem is a NFT marketplace aggregator
  • – LooksRare is an NFT marketplace for 721s and 1155s
Transfer ETH or Tokens:
  • – MyEtherWallet allows transferring ETH, ERC20s and NFTs to other users.
Create an ETH split contract
  • – 0xsplits allows your DAO to create a splits contract that pays out to multiple users as it accrues value.
Trade tokens
You can log in and out of each of these apps to add different types of transactions to your proposal.

How do I get a wallet QR or URL?

You can get the wallet QR by clicking on: "Copy QR Code" or taking a screenshot and clicking the QR code icon to connect the app.

How do I report a bug / improvement?

@isiain is the primary developer and early on will respond to bug reports. Later, we plan to properly release and open source the tool to the nouns and builder communities.